
Global Missions
Global Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19


Global missions is a cornerstone of our faith as an Assemblies of God church. We believe that it is our call and duty to spread the gospel to the farthest reaches of the world. No person can do this on his or her own, that is why we are the body of Christ.


Prayer is powerful, please pray for all of our missionaries.


Ask God what He wants you to give to missions, above and beyond your tithe.


Seek God and see if He wants you to go on a short term missions trip, or if He is calling you to go on the mission field as a missionary.

Local Missions

Malone Assembly Food Bank

2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
The food bank is a ministry for anyone in the community. It is located in the blue building across from the Main Building on campus. We want to meet the needs of people in a tangible way.
Joe and Judy Hull, Food Bank Managers

Benevolence Fund

The Benevolence Fund is a ministry that is meant to meet a financial need in time of crisis.

Join the Mission

If you are interested in going on a mission trip with Jimmy Burnett Ministries to build tabernacles in south-eastern Africa or if you are interested in going on a short term missions trip with a team from Malone Assembly.

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